
parts below:

Unisex euphemism for the male and female genitals . See penis and vagina for synonyms.

QUOTE: Lawrence Paros, The Erotic Tongue (1984): 'If sex be an act , we all have parts to play with.' Most of us know them as the carnal-parts (early-18 th C), the natural-parts (mid-16 th C), the naturals (17 th C), the parts below (17 th C), the underparts (mid-19 th C), the privy-parts (c. 1565), the private-parts (c. 1885), the privates (20 th C).'

See Also: agastopia, amateur, arseparts, arvo, bad lay, batty rider, carnal parts, cheek, commissure, diath, down there, female impersonator, feminacy, frenum of the clitoris, fur, hafada, half brass, home plate, home run, hypogastrian cranny, iris, junction, lower deck, monopathophobia, natural parts, naturals, part cheeks, part someone's cheeks, parts, parts below, private parts, privates, privy parts, PTA, tail around, tuck, turgescent, underparts, undertaker

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